Tuesday 18 August 2020

there is beauty in you//poetry

There's beauty in you ,

the words you say
The things u save but discern

The touch you feel,
The last one you remember

The impressions on your lips
The last kiss you reckon

The sky just blue
Drizzled diamonds the next minute

The heart you saved,
Doing somersaults the next day💜

Sunday 16 August 2020

I sleep every night//poetry

I sleep every night thinking,
The day will bless me more
The nights will relish me more

I will loosen,
The threads of happiness the next day...
Let them blow with the wind as they say...


Saturday 15 August 2020

I am an Indian //poetry

I am an indian ,
I have reached the moon and back
I bend to say Namaste everytime I see my elders

I am an Indian,
It might have been a party night for me,
I think twice before telling my father where was I ,the other night..

I am an Indian,
I have travelled the world ,
But still ,
I find home in the gardens of tea planted by my mother...

I am an Indian,
I own every peice of garment u can imagine ,
Still ,
I wear my kurta and jhumkas to tie a knot on my brother's hand ....

I am a Proud Indian


Wednesday 12 August 2020

she smiled//poetry

She smiled, 
And world seemed okay ..

She cried,
And it drizzled a little more that day...

She slept ,
And the stars were brighter that day..

She laughed ,
And the dark found the light that day...


Monday 10 August 2020

the day she laughed through her tears //poetry

The day she laughed through her tears,
The day she outgrew her fears

Today ,
She was not just a mother,

Neither just a wife indeed...

She put her cherry lip
And a wing on her eye
Standing tall ,
Infront of the world to see through her lie..

Today ,
She cried no more
She withered no more

And She stood tall,
On the day she laughed through her tears...




There's black in his heart",
They said,
"Evil in his eyes ",
They knead,
But to him ,
He was a rebel ..

The stripes on his bronzed skin,
The spots on his devil's grin...
To him it was a blissful sin,
"To care less ,
To overlook his mess,
To insolent might,
To grave just black and white"...


I wish//poetry